Friday, 20 January 2012

Thurs 12th – Sun 15th – Seal Creek

Camping at Seal Creek, I've covered it in bullet points cos we stayed there a few days and I'm also aware that my english is not the best and feel like I'm going "and then, and then, and then" alot in this blog ;) So Seal Creek:
  • Had the worlds smelliest and fullest bush toilet!!
  • Benny had a couple of goes at fixing the fuel filter, and with his head under the bonnet a couple of other campers came over to see if they could help, one of them had the magic touch, Benny took it for a test drive and it was all good J
  • It was a good spot nature-wise.. I rescued a bird stuck in the smelly bush toilet, there was a stow-away frog; I was looking for something in the cab when it jumped down and made me jump, it made itself at home in the cab for the night!! Benny was fishing on the rocks and I had mentioned that I was scared of snakes coming out of the cracks, his response was “there wont be any snakes in the rocks” I was lying on my front, reading, when I looked up there was a snake coming out of the crack in the rock in front of me, Benny wanted to know if it had legs…. He just wanted it to be a lizard so he wasn’t wrong ;) It was definitely a snake, Benny relocated it with his fishing rod!!
  • Driving along the beach to catch up with one of Bennys old supervisors we saw a really dark patch of salmon right near the beach, unfortunately by the time he’d rigged up they were too far out…I was thinking about swimming out to round them up but then I thought about sharks and didn’t want to live up to mine and Em’s Rotto Swim name “Shark Bait”!!  We caught up with his old supervisor and there was another school of salmon, I didn’t manage to hook any but Benny handed me his rod once he had and I landed it on the beach J …Jo don’t look too closely at the photos, they’re taken after the salmon had been killed… He was a yummy breakfast with hashbrowns in  wrap!
  • We’ve got a GPS navigator thing in the car but cos of the sun its normally hard to see the screen and Benny has to use his hand as a shield so I made a cover for it, out of left over carpet and once again the glitterly pipecleaners came in handy J Benny looked a bit worried as I was making it but I knew what he was thinking and made sure you couldn’t see the pipecleaners once it was finished ;)
  • When Benny was working on the car I went on a walk along the beach, which continued into a ‘rock-hopping’ walk.  It was super windy and no-one else was around.  I had my music with me and had a great time singing at the top of my voice J

Bennys present to me... its now hanging on the rear view mirror, called Slyvia and cos that was Bennys Grandmas name its now called Nanny :)

Seal Creek Beach

Pulling the awning out for shade on the beach

Benny getting his fishing gear ready

My home made cover for the GPS thingy

I'm kinda proud of it :)

Seal Creek on the rocks

My feet are under water here.... the water is that clear!

Bogans on the rocks

Self timer mode :)

The snake that wasnt supposed to be on the rocks!!

Re-locating the snake

The 1st squid of the trip :)

Little froggy stow-a-way.....made me jump!

A school of salmon in the water... the dark patch in the surf

My first salmon....

Washing my hair.... alot easier when its not in the surf

How we transported the salmon back from the beach.... blood splattered number plate, lovely!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kez - it just looks awesome & you're looking good too girlfriend!! If envy wasnt so uncool i would be green with it, but am just so thrilled for you to be sharing this epic trip with us all xxxx
