Saturday, 11 January 2014

4th - 6th Dec - Pearl Point and Getting Stuck!!

Wed 4th Dec


It was hot and humid in the morning so we had a walk along the beach, no fish but took the shovel and disappeared behind the sand dunes for a bit!!


Later on it started raining...and didn't really stop, tent leaked a but but nothing drastic and cos Benny had put a tarp over the main tent area at least the bed didn't get wet this time.


Thurs 5th Dec


More rain, and wind, and thunder and lightening.

Read books. Had a beach walk. Tried to keep warm.

Tried to perfect my sun dance!!!! My bikinis were feeling neglected ;)


Fri 6th Dec


As we had decided that we were going to stay at Pearl Point we needed to stock up on fresh stuff and wanted to pick up a few things from the nearest town to help make camp feel more like a home for the next month or so.


After our shopping trip to Orbost we thought we'd check out a few of the tracks near the river on the way home....Benny wanted to try a muddy hill, got stuck and needed the winch, a lot of the tracks were over grown but we found one that was on our map and looked ok, we came to a "small" creek crossing. Benny did the right thing and got out to check the depth cos we could see it was fairly fast flowing, he walked down the left wheel rut and back down the same wheel rut, it came up to his ankles.... We set off the cross it and sunk into a massive hole on the right hand side, the side the forgot to walk back on!!! He tried to drive forwards and of course the back of the ute sank into the hole, we were stuck!!! Because of the angle of the car the water was flowing onto Bennys door (he was the low side!) so he climbed out of the window and set to work getting the recovery gear set up, including the winch for the second time that day... On his way back into the car he tried to use the bull bar (round metal tubing..) as a stepping stone but cos he feet were already wet that proved slippery and he was straight into the freezing water, it was quite funny, well very funny from my perspective, hence the fact I've not got any photos cos I was laughing too much ;) The winch worked a treat and we were out on the other side, whoo-hoo!! Although we didn't get to go far before there were trees down blocking our way, too thick to cut through even if we did have a chain saw...back to the water then. I wasn't looking forward to it cos I knew this time my side would be the low side and I had all my stuff in the footwell, including my camera, iPad and laptop, so I was busy securing everything as high as possible in the cab and Benny was setting up the winch for the 3rd time that arvo! Once he was set he helped me across so I could attach the winch to a tree on the other side (it didn't reach where we were at the starting point), Benny had tested the depth of the hole time and it came up to his chest height, bloody big!!! Luckily we got through, otherwise we would've been walking for help!!


To celebrate our recovery we stopped and had a drink at Bemm on the way home, Bill met us on the decking, he'd been there all arvo and was heading back to camp but ended up having another 3 rounds with us, introducing us to all the locals :) We ended up having dinner in the pub that night cos it was just easier!!

Getting out the recovery gear


Getting back in after falling in!!!



Dead end!! No chain saw.....


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