Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tues 4th Feb - Eden - NSW!!

Onwards to NSW leaving VIC behind us. We checked out Eden Town and had amazing fish and chips on the jetty, we bought some local mussels for that nights dinner too!! Our campsite that night was a free one (which is good going on this stretch of coast) but not the nicest, it was down a track by the river but cos the river was tidal it was out and just muddy flats, it seemed like a popular site too cos there was a fair amount of rubbish around :( The muscles were really good, even though Benny had a nightmare cooking them, he forgot to de-beard them before he dumped them in the pot!! But that night my tummy felt like it did at Winghan Inlet....maybe I've become allergic to seafood, better keep an eye in that, would be gutted if that was true!!


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