Tuesday 25 February 2014

Wed 5th Feb - Arugunnu


After hitting the road by 10 (very good for us!!) we followed the coast, passing through Merimbula and stopping to have a look at Tathra jetty and look out, both lovely spots but we could see they'd be heaving during holiday season, in fact the (limited) coast line that we've seen so far has been lovely, rocky cliffs, beaches, waterways, lakes, stunning blues...this helped cos the sun came out!!


We stopped at a camp called Arugunnu, it was a popular spot!! We found a good site and had a look down the beach, it was a beach my Dad would have approved off, no sand just pebbles!! We had a walk along the point and Benny tried to add a rock to the cairn, although his was 10times bigger than everyone else's so he kind of destroyed the pile, he piled them all back on and made a master piece though ;) this continued along the beach wit an even LARGER rock!!


The camp collector came in the morning, that site was $10 per person. In my opinion $20 is pretty steep when it's nothing but a bush camp and a smelly drop loo, we were paying that a night at Malacoota caravan park... That seems to be the going rate for camps in this coast though..







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