Sunday, 1 December 2013

Thurs 14th November -Back on the Road again!!!



After Amy had been round to see the house yesterday and the 3 days of cleaning and doing the gardens the days before we thought we deserved a lie-in on the first day of our travels!! So after a leisurely get up we packed the rest of our stuff into the ute and trailer and hit the road :)


We'd had a few plans over the past week about where we were going to head first, my work offered me a job opportunity in Canberra so we said I'd go there and work for a couple of weeks but they cancelled me last minute as they'd found someone that had committed to work for longer. We thought we'd head into the High Country but the weather wasn't looking very promising and we didn't really want to start our trip off in the rain so Benny had a brainwave the day before and saw that the weather in Echuca was SUNNY so we headed there!! With the added bonus of getting to see Jade again who was heading p for the weekend with Maria :)


On the way we stopped at a servo and there was a guy with a cat on a lead... I zoomed in for a cuddle, Benny went the opposite way (yet to convince him that he's a cat person at heart!) anyway, the guy told me she'd had kittens the night before so I cat AND kitten cuddles, best start to the trip ;)

Once we got there we found a free camp alongside the river and had dinner, Benny had a couple of beers and I thought Id enjoy one with dinner, he seemed to enjoy his Corona and it'd been so long since I had one I thought I'd have one too!! It was a lot sweeter than I remembered....turns out later when I went to put the bottle in the bin it was actually a pear cider, no wonder it tasted sweet!!!

Bye Mornington Psnninsula :( adventures!! :)
Bye Zook :(


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