Pack up day, drove past the pub on the way out and saw the group that we'd been driving with yesterday so pulled over to say hi again :) The ute managed it out if Dargo, up some fairly steep hills towing the trailer but Benny wanted to check his brakes, as we were headed into Bairnsdale, a fairly big town we got them done there and killed time with laundry, op shops (7 books for $5!! We're enjoying not having a tv!) surf shop, camping shop (bought a 'new' army second poo shovel, Benny wondered how many poo holes it had dug in the past!) and a food shop!
Turns out there was nothing wrong with the brakes, Benny had done them before we left, the guy said the start of new pads might be a bit soft...think Bennys still going to keep his eye on them...
Wiki camps let us down, the free camp we were looking for had houses built on it so we pulled into a RV stop in Metung (a car park with toilets...) with a German couple already there in a ford station wagon, we were going to just sleep in the swags but they told us the mossies were pretty bad so we put the tent up....lucky we did cos after making friends with Andreas and Linda they came and chilled out in our tent away from the mossies for the evening.
Blonde moment!!...When we first turned up I said to Benny "there must've been a swimming pool here before" I got a puzzled look so I pointed out the 2 metal loop handholds that would have led down the steps to the water....he made me look stupid by pointing out they were somewhere to lock your bike up! Doh!!
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