Sunday, 1 December 2013

Mon 25th Nov - The Unwaterproof tent, Crooked River, Trout Fishing and Dargo Pub

We woke up to find our tent is not all that waterproof...we did wonder but were hoping that we were going to be proved wrong!! There was a puddle on the floor, which Benny discovered when he stepped off the ladder, the middle of the bed was wet where the rain had dripped down the poles and a few wet patches where the zips were sewn a bit funny and the water had leaked in onto the bed (lucky it's kind size so we could move away from the wet patches and still have plenty of room!). We tried to dry the bedding out as well as possible but it was hard when it was still we propped things up to air instead.


On a brighter note Benny caught a trout on his first cast after brekkie, too small to keep though. We headed into Dargo to get some 'local knowledge' of the tracks in the area, there's only a pub and a general store in Dargo so we headed into the general store and the lady was really helpful and showed us some good tracks on the map.


We set off in the direction of Crooked River track, on the way I got pretty sleepy (sitting up straight and so being abkent breath a bit better, the moment of the car and combination of not sleeping at night makes it very easy for me to get sleepy in the passenger seat, even in steep 4WD tracks!!) Benny had spotted a good trout part of the river so I snoozed and he caught 4 little trout, he hooked 6 but 2 got away...Im taking his word for this, I was asleep in the car!


Crooked River was a great track, not very intense 4WD'ing but we did 30 river crossings in total and at one point we did 24 crossings within 8km! After lunch by the river so Benny could clean his fish we headed back to camp, grabbed some towels and shower stuff and headed to the pub....


Dargo pub, GREAT pub!! After a couple of beers Benny asked the owner,Tom, if he had any showers out the back (the pub had accommodation attached) he lead us down to an ensuite part of one of the rooms and charged us $5 for cleaning purposes, I don't think that was the done thing so that was really nice of him to help us out like that. It was so good to be under hot water (my last shower was at Jades but Benny reckons that it wasn't cos Id washed my hair/self in the lake since that...). After feeling very refreshed we had a few more drinks and dinner (amazing food!!), it was a great evening, very quiet and just friendly locals, Tom ended up buying us a round, offering us a bed at his house cos we were telling him about our non-waterproof tent and wanted us t come back and work for him over the Christmas period! Lovely evening :) And the bedding wasn't too bad by the time we got back to it.

Lunch spot


Keeping tally of the river crossings along Crooked River

The start of the river crossings....luckily this was the deepest...

This ones for Dave and Steph - We didn't see any monkeys!!!


Sat amongst wet/dry bedding and map planning!!





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