Saturday 17 December 2011

Leaving Perth

My drawer and all the 'crap' I've managed to squeeze into it!!

We had tickets for Emma Louise at Mojos on Sun 4th and the original plan was to enjoy the evening then pack up and leave on the Monday.... unfortunately we think I managed to get my drink spiked, one minute I was fine and the next I was throwing up in the alley, lovely, lucky Benny was there to look after me... the next day was spent recovering!!  We were all set to pack up and leave on Tues 6th BUT Freo obviously didnt want to see us go and decided to hit us with a massive thunderstorm and rain ALL day, see the radar above!!  This made packing everything into the ute difficult and also Benny needed to finish off some welding and this couldnt be done in the rain so we stayed another night...

Wed 7th was officially leaving Freo day! Managed to fit everything into the ute.... tight squeeze :p  We were on the road, all the way to Mandurah, ahahaha, a whole hour down the road ;)  We wanted to stop in and say hi and bye to Bennys parents before we hit the road properly and get some last minute jobs done.  Including setting up a mossie net for the awning, the lady in spotlight was highly amusing with our 'discussions' about measurements for velcro and zips, so much so she gave us a discount!  Thanks so much Trish for helping with the velcro sewing and mossie net stuff :)

FRIDAY 9th DECEMBER 2011 - Hitting the road :)

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