Friday 16 March 2012

Fri 24th – Coorong National Park

Next morning we drove to Victor Harbour and stocked up on food etc, had a look at Goolwa and a dip in the ocean with some body surfing, a drive to the Murray River Mouth…. Too many people all with rods out so we turned around and had to drive around the river to get to where we wanted to be, cockle collecting on the mud flaps, we got heaps!!… we ended up camping in the Coorong National Park… We don’t know why the Camps6 book keeps ticking all these camp sites as ‘highly recommended’ as some of them are just, to quote Benny ‘shit holes’…. I think it looks nice in the photos but it wasn’t amazing… we did meet an elderly couple the next day though, who were into bird watching so appreciated it more than we did, they were pretty serious about it though with the cameras, tripods and bird calling whistle thing…. I recognised it from when I was little, I don’t own one now ;)

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