Friday 16 March 2012

Mon 20th – Wed 22nd – Chapman River

After re-fueling a little, and enjoying Penneshaw Hotels finest wedges and a pint of Coopers each we headed out to the national park on the east side of the island, where we started, and found a camp spot on the other side of the river near the beach.  We spent the next couple of days relaxing (yes we’re on holidays, I know you’re all jealous!) more attempts at fishing, beach walking, flying the kite…. It was so frigging windy, only a 2.6m kite but it took a fair bit of effort to control, great fun :-) We also did some brim fishing in the river, there were HEAPS just staring at you at the river banks, it was like something off ‘Finding Nemo’!!  They were a bit fussy with their bait though, preferring lamb to anything else, we did try apple core, sushi paper and bread as well, the bread worked really well, Benny discovered that if you left it on the surface and kept the rod low you could hook them like that…

My favourite part of this side of the island though was “Chapman River Winerys”….. I’d googled it and it looked great but when we got there I was in love, it was based in a ‘tin shed’ or an old air craft hanger and was also an art gallery so had lovely paintings and sofas and stuff in an moroccany kind of feel, also an amazing chandeliers which set the place off brilliantly.  Outside were miss-matched furniture, hanging baskets and a place where they must have open fires and logs to sit on around the bonfire…. Just gorgeous.  We haven’t been eating out much (apart from pies and the occasional pub wedges) so I treated us to a tasting platter, Benny wasn’t keen at first but when it arrived he quickly changed his mind… have a look at the photos and you’ll see what I mean, YUMMM!! I think I’m biased about this place cos the old woman running it, also the artist, gave me a lovely compliment saying that it seems that I’ve got “oomph” I liked that as a little pick me up :)

After the winery we planned to get the last ferry off the island so we did a little bit more exploring around the Penneshaw area, including Benny rescuing a guy that was stuck on the beach with his 2WD and boat… After chatting with them and ordering a pizza to have on the ferry (the biggest ever!) we drove down and Benny commented “hmmm there seems to be a lot of cars here…” I agreed and said that as he didn’t want me to be organized and pre-booked he better go and see if there’s still room…. To cut a long story short, I got to say “I told you so” as the ferry was full AND the next morning ferry was full too… after munching on some pizza we went back down to see if they could squeeze us on, BONUS, we made it on and camped at the nearest National Park to Cape Jervis

Hmmm we seem to have lost a night somewhere… think it must have been on KI somewhere but all my dates were scribbled on the map that I lost….

Benny using the jack after trying to take a "short-cut"

Its not always warm in Oz!!

Cheeky night time possum 

Doing our dishes for us 

Chapman River Winery / Art gallery 

YUMMY food platter :)

Biggest pizza ever while waiting for the ferry we just managed to squeeze onto

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