Friday 16 March 2012

The Pelican Conversation

This conversation will only make sense if you know how much I’ve been enjoying the pelicans we’ve seen on our trip, they’re just so funny the way they waddle when they walk, take at least 10 flaps before they can take off, land like they’re water skiing, look like they’re too fat and heavy to fly and sound like a motor boat taking off!! Having said all that…

Both of us were watching a bird flying away from our advancing car and Benny says “I wish I was a bird” I replied that it would be pretty cool to be able to fly, Benny says “I think I’d like to come back as a wedgie (wedge-tailed eagle)…I sat and thought about it for a minute and said “I’ll come back as a pelican!!!” Benny burst out laughing and made a comment about my waddle ;)

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