Tuesday 28 January 2014

13th Jan - 20th Jan - Hot, Cold and Birthday Celebrations


Well during this past week we've had some pretty extreme weather, Victoria certainly isn't letting us down with the "4 seasons in a day" saying although I think for this week Im going to adapt to "4 seasons in a week". We've gone from boiling hot days, in the 40s where we even decided to drive to Py-yoot beach, a 5 min walk, with nights where I've just stayed in my bikini to keep cool to cold days and nights where Im back in joggers, uggs and fleeces!!


On the hot days once we'd motivated ourselves to move in the heat we'd pack the ute up and head down to Py-yoot beach for the day, there seemed to be a bit of breeze down there and the water was always deliciously cool (freezing even!!). Benny had the brilliant idea of taking Malcolm and Trish's gazebo down to the beach, great shade and it earned the name of the "Big Top" from the other beach-goers! On the beach days we chilled out in the shade and waves, Benny and me had a bit of a crack at surfing when the waves were good. Benny, Malcolm and me went abalone hunting, which was challenging as there was so much seaweed on the rocks you'd spot an abalone then the waves would come in and move the seaweed that would hide the abalone. Abalones are kind of hard to spot anyway, they just look like part of the rock but with a faint oval outline... Benny got 3 and I spotted one, I borrowed Bennys knife and popped it off the rock, but then had to catch it once it started floating along with the waves! We got the little gas cooker and cooked them up in the beach as a snack, yum!


On another beach day Benny and me went for a walk to the rock pools, we sat in a warm one and had our own private aquarium. Lots of snails, crabs and little fishes. Benny caused a stir among the fishes when he used one of the snails as bait, once he'd lured them in to trust him he even managed to catch one in his hand and pull it out of the water, if only they were big enough to eat ;)


The heat got so bad that there were some bush fires that sprung up locally, the residents of some of the 'towns' were evacuated, we knew they were close cos we'd driven through them on a 4x4 day recently (Cabbage Tree Creek, Club Terrace, Bluebird Creek) we kept in touch with the locals from Bemm River to make sure we were safe. They hasn't been evacuated and we were closer to the coast so we felt fairly ok....better to be safe than sorry though, there was a wind change predicated that night, it was meant to be good and help calm the fires but just in case we packed the kitchen up, most of the camper and Benny got the winch ready to help pull the trailer out (as we'd spent ages trunking it 180 when we first arrived at Pearl Point). Luckily the wind changed for the better and some cool weather and rain came with it so we were safe from any evacuation.


It was Malcolm's birthday on the 16th Jan but happy hour at Bemm River pub fell on the day before that so Malcolm and Trish took us all down there for happy hour beers and a dinner treat :) It turned out to be a great evening, with a few of the locals turning up, everyone trying to escape the heat and what better way than to have a few beers!! Dinner was great pub food, Trish had ordered fish and chips and extra salad and surprised us all by finishing first. Back at camp I couldn't stop hiccuping and Benny was laughing at his Mum and Dad as he hadn't seen them that drunk for some time, Malcolm drew a line in the sand and we all proceeded to walk along to prove our "soberness"! Malcolm and Trish then remembered a game they used to play with 2 beer cans, walking them out with your hands and leaving one out as far as you could....Malcolm demonstrated but failed when the can crushed so he 'had' to drink a warm beer!! Trish couldn't stop laughing at Malcolm when he went to adjust the solar panels on the ground as apparently when he leaned forward he almost didn't stop and kept going with gravity ;) It was a fun night.


Benny and me went into town one cold arvo to buy ice and eggs. ..we got distracted at the ice part with Robyn and Dave (the owners of the holiday accommodation where we buy the ice), Dave actually drove into the local town (Cann river) to refuel and came back (about 40mins later) and we were still stood in the driveway nattering away to Robyn!! That lead to some drinks with them, well Robyn and me shared 2 bottles of red so we were arrived back to camp a little later than we planned...Benny reckons the wine had a snoring effect on me that night ;) getting my own back!!


The difference of a baby-wiped "clean" foot and the black sand effect on the other!!

The local goannas


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