Saturday 11 January 2014

The Deer Antlers Debate

On a late night fishing mission Malcolm and me stepped over something I thought looked like plastic, Benny went back to have a look though and decided they were antlers... This is probably because a couple of days beforehand he was talking to a local ranger told him this was the time of year that deers would come onto the beach and shed their antlers. I didn't think they were antlers but the debate had started!! Over the next few days Benny managed to convince his mum and dad they were antlers but Bill (our neighbour) was on my side, he thought they'd come from the sea. I wasn't sure what they were but I knew they weren't antlers!! When we left them out in the sun they shrivelled and in water they regained their shape again, it was strange stuff like plasticy... Anyway Benny took a photo of them and googled it and guess what they turned out to be.... A sharks pectoral girdle that held and supported their pectoral fins!!! So here are the photos to show they look nothing like antlers ;) good on ya Benny :*



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