Saturday 11 January 2014

22nd Dec - 9th Jan - The Photos - Part 2!!


Goanna around camp or a "naughty creepy crawly!!"


My turn to get face painted...


We both look beautiful ;)

Trish's turn

3 beauties together ;)




Malcolm attempting his stick prodding to get rid of the goanna

Michael testing his pull up skills ;)

Walk to the beach


Benny catching a wave

And another


Abalone catcher!!

So yummy!!

Chilling out with some hammock time

Finding the perfect fishing spot

Sheltering from the wind....moved cams for the day. The hammock was also our bed until 3:30am when the winds calmed down

Neville falls, stunning :)


Group shot :)



Massive tree stump we drove past, had to turn round for some photos :)

Pointing out where the bull ant nest is so I don't step on them!!

Kings of the Castle ;)



Mount Waldon look out 808m


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