Sunday 1 December 2013

Fri 29th - Sat 30th Nov - "Glamping" - Showers and Flushing Toilets!!

We ended up having a couple of nights at the campsite, enjoying the showers and flushing toilets!! We drove into Lakes Entrance one day and had a look around, there was an Alpine Car Rally going on in the evening so we went in to have a look at that....I thought it was a bit like going to an amusement park and not being allowed on any of the rides cos it looked much more fun IN the cars than watching them!! We did a 'meat' shop and vacuumed sealed half a fridges worth, had walks along the beach, chilled out and went to the movies to see "The Hunger Games", the movies were linked with a squash court, kind of odd but the screen was fine :)

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