Sunday 1 December 2013

Sun 24th Nov - On the Road to Dargo, Vic High Country

After packing up we headed back to Omeo to re-fuel and buy a map for the area...Bennys GPS wasn't working so at first I think he was a little worried about getting me to map read, I proved my skills to him and took us along Berrigun Road along to a camp near Dargo. We were heading up into the Victorian High Country, I loved it, the views were spectacular and it felt like we were on top if the mountains with lots of different ranges around us, no lakes like back home though! It was even great with rain clouds looming, unfortunately the brakes didn't feel the same way, but that just meant time for photo stops while they cooled down. We found a camp near a river (Italian Flats on Upper Dargo Rd) so Benny could fish.


Doesn't really give a good indication of the steepness....


Brake rest stop


Tracks in the distance


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