Sunday 1 December 2013

Thurs 28th Nov - Car Park Camping

After packing up we went for a walk down to the water along a jetty looking at some boats, just chatting casually when a guy pops his head out his boat with a "Raaarrrrr!!" He scared the crap out of me!! I think that was the point!! He was an old traveller "Tinker" with his old dog "Poof - as in the thing you put your feet on not the gay version!" he had one big knotted dreadlock at the back and a funny way about him, think he'd been travelling by boat/car for a while, he ended up walking back over to the car park with us to have a look at our set up, and chatted to the German couple, during this time another 2 travellers rocked up, this car park was clearly the happening spot of Metung, who knew!! After saying bye to everyone several times we eventually managed to hit the road again (escape! after been told by Tinker if I wanted to Rush I should live in was 12:30 by this point no rushing anywhere!) we drove down the road to Lakes Entrance, after looking at the weather (more rain) and not seeing any free camps close by we thought we'd stay at a campsite for a couple of nights. We ended up at a lovely campsite near Lake zithers, just out of Lakes Entrance and as it wasn't tourist season we also bartered down the price ;)

Tinker, Linda. Andreas and us two :)



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