Sunday 1 December 2013

Mon 18th November

Packed up camp and did our final 'jobs' in Echuca, buying beers, hay fever tablets etc then drove 200km'ish to Bundalong on Ovens River. On the way we stopped at Natalia and used our "pie fund" to buy lunch.....our pie fund being all the silver coins that Benny hadn't wanted in his wallet over the past year or so!! Took us a while to count it out but the locals didn't seem to mind as we chatted to them about where we were planning on going :)


It was another hot'ish day and I was suffering with hayfever, so as soon as we pulled up and the tent was up we were in the river and cooling off, the edges of the bank were a bit squishy but in the middle of the river was gorgeous :)




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