Monday 27 February 2012

Sat 11th – Sun 12th – West Bay

Benny is continuing to dictate to me, after I told him where we ended up… “At west bay we hung out with a dude of a possum, caught fuck all fish, apart from tiny salmon trout and we learnt about blue throated wrass and even caught 2.  They were yummy, even though they were wrass, and wrass stink and they’re shit…  Urm, that’s all J
I’m going to elaborate about the possum dude, so once again Benny was fishing until it’d had gone dark so I was on my own in the tent just watching a chick flick when I heard a rustling, I thought it was Benny back so I yelled out, no reply, sometimes he’s a bit like that and will reply with “who did you think it was?!” buuut the second time I tried no reply… I stuck my head  out of the tent and attacking the bin was the possum!! I’ve never seen a possum in the wild before so I wasn’t quite sure what to do, I also didn’t have my torch, that was in the cab right near the possum…after been ‘attacked’ by the ‘cute’ roo at Wilpena Pound I wasn’t about to take any chances so I threw one of my thongs at the possum, who completely ignored it and continued with his business, I managed to get my torch out and it claws didn’t look too sharp so I gave it a pat, it was super soft, awwww, it had such an attitude about it!! Hence the dude possum name!  Benny also forgot to mention the goanna that appeared as we were packing up, it tried to get in our tent, good job the fly screen was up… I was trying to get close to take a photo but didn’t want to get too close after Benny told me that when they get scared and have no cover they run up you with their claws cos they think you’re a tree!!

Thinking about becoming a rock licker... any tips Clare Kelly?! ;)

Bennys prime Blue Wrass fishing spot

Arty shot with a rock with weathered holes in it....

The yummy blue throated wrass

Fishing.... again ;)

A much trampled beach

The friendly goanna..... no dude possum photos unfortunately :(

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