Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tues 24th – Driving Day

We packed up pretty slowly the next day, headed to Ceduna.  Ceduna is where they check you’re not bringing veggies from one state to the other for disease control… our check was “Have you got any veggies?!” Super strict or we just look very trustworthy ;) Re-stocked with food and fuel, fresh veggies especially as we thought the checkpoint was at Eucla so had been without for a few days.  Checked out Streaky Bay.  Kept going and tried to find a ‘highly recommended’ bush camp at Seale Bay from our camps book but it was crap!! So we kept driving and driving and driving, and eventually found a track that said “Salmon Beach” headed down that, it was getting late so that would do, don’t think it was a campsite as such but it was just off the beach and fine for us J  Benny nearly caught something big on his “shark hook” but it must have gone round a rock and snapped the line L After that he couldn’t get to sleep from excitement / annoyance… so I also couldn’t get to sleep!!

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