Monday 27 February 2012

Thurs 9th – Fri 10th – Western River Cove

After a quick explore of Kingscote (it didn’t take too long…) and a re-fuel of one of the tanks we started to check out the northern side of KI, it was raining so a lot of the places didn’t look super appealing..  Ok, Benny is sat next to me and I asked him to dictate to me for a bit of the blogg, here it is “We ended up at Western River cove, which looked quite nice, we spent 2 nights there, caught fuck all fish, except for one, nice big brim, and then we left and….. where did we go after that??!” I laughed… “Where did we go?!!!”

So Western River Cove was a pretty crappy campsite, a bit like a car park but the location was nice, it was on a river, with a bridge that lead onto a beach…. Like Benny said, there was no fish but he did have a couple of goes and we also got the little training kite out that I’d bought in Adelaide, the wind was a bit gusty though.  We also got chatting… well I got chatting cos Benny was still fishing for his brim till late… to a couple from WA and a mate that had flown down to join them for a week, the couple were touring round in the chicks parents caraven from the ‘60’s, pretty good effort! They also had a fire twirling stick so Benny showed them how it was done ;)

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