Monday 27 February 2012

Tues 7th – Adelaide

After a night in a HUGE bed (Queen? King? It was massive!!) with memory foam type pillows, luxury!! We explored Adelaide a bit, checking out the Botanical Gardens and some of the shops J  Benny got some double takes with bare feet in the city ;)  We struggled to find parking at some spots, we did try and fit into an underground car park and I even asked a guy passing by if we’d fit under the height limit with all the stuff on top of the canopy and he assured us that we would…until we heard the CRUNNCH!! Hahaha J  We checked out Glenelg, a bought a smaller kite (2.6m cos my big one had to go home to Perth with Bennys parents as it was taking up too much space) this one is tiny and should be heaps of fun, no harness needed!  And we had some fish and chips on the beach, I fed the seagulls and Benny called me a kid :p   Stocked up on meat and vacuumed sealed them back at the Lipps.  Enjoyed another night in the comforts of a home J Thanks so much for having us guys xx

Botanic Gardens

Seaguls at Gleneg trying to steal my chips!!

Cheeky buggers ;) 

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