Tuesday 7 February 2012

Sat 21st – Fowlers Bay

After crossing the Nullabor it was nice to arrive in Fowlers Bay, although very tiny, we asked the chick in the shop for advice and she said Scotts Beach was super soft so since we have a pretty heavy vehicle we took the long way around to explore.  After sitting for a couple of minutes eyeing the beach up Benny decided to give it a go… it was fine J I think the thing you have to worry about is hitting a patch of undercover sea weed and sinking!  We saw a couple fishing off the beach, waved and kept exploring, when we turned round they were still there so we stopped off to say hi and ended up camping the night with Ronnie and Damien.  They’d come from Tassie and were heading up to Perth so we swapped good places to go, shame we weren’t all headed in the same direction or we could have become a bit of a convoy for a while!

Scotts Beach at Fowlers Bay

Room with a view... taken on my phone from bed :) 

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