Friday 20 January 2012

Fri 6th – More goodbyes – And then there was 1 ☹

All packed up and drove back into Esperance, enjoyed another pie with Kelly and Kyle and then hugs and goodbyes L We got some jobs done in town, including a new bikini for me, to cheer myself up and Benny switching his number to Telstra… One of my old bosses lives in Esperance so I gave him a call and we caught up with him after me calling England for a catch up J  We weren’t too sure where to camp as the campsite we’d checked earlier was full so we went for a drive, found a 4x4 track and came out at the coast, finding a magic little spot right on some flat rocks with the waves lapping up about 2m away from us, with a cool little water channel right next to us, later the crabs came out to play in the channel and around the car!!  We’d put the awning out to give us some better light but cos we were camping on rocks there was nothing to peg it down to, Benny found some fairly large rocks and tied the bottom of the awning legs to them.  While he was fishing I kept yelling to him that they were moving…. Im glad it wasn’t until he came back that there was a huge gust that lifted the rocks up to head height!! Luckily neither of us was in the way!!

Phone Call with a view

Afternoon kip while I was chatting away on the phone.... A voice comes out of the ute "Can you get me a drink from the fridge please" I did cos I'm lovely ;) His reply "That isnt the right flavour!!" Pffft get your own drink then!!

The rocks were a lovely spot but there were HEAPS of mossies... heres one I squished on the roof, yuk!

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