Monday 9 January 2012

Mon 26th – Onwards to the Secret Spot

It was a pretty slow pack up in the morning, the after effects of too many bubbles and beer and port and cider and whatever else everyone was drinking!!  Kelly and Kyle were super quick with their pack up but cos we’d been at Boat Harbour for a few days we seemed to have spread out a bit and we took a bit longer but appreciated their help J  After a quick stop off at the local servo/grocery store we drove on to Glens secret spot…. Sorry I cant spill the beans on here with the name of the place but it was pretty nice.  Gorgeous drive in with a view of a massive white sandy beach, once we got down there we discovered it was pretty windy, we were lucky and managed to find a sheltered spot at the end of the beach J

Letting the tyres down and sheltering from the wind

Another guy was fishing and his dogs came to investigate us.... including one that lifted his leg on Kyles tyre, right on the valve... before he'd managed to let that one down!! Uh-oh

Wide, white, sandy beaches

The convoy


Camp... This was boxing day, Benny still suffering from Christmas Days boozing, my sarong covering his face and not even enough energy to take off his jumper despite the fact it was sheltered from the wind here and the sun was HOT!!!

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